First Before I decided to try it out, I thought to myself "what's wrong with what I've got?" That is, I had the free Windows Security Essentials on my computer. I had started using it the moment I installed Windows 7 on my computer. Well, maybe not the moment, but shortly thereafter. Seemed to be working alright. No bugs that I knew of. But, hey, for nearly $60 a year ($80 for 3 computers), Titanium should be good, right? At least better than free. So, I did a bit of research on reviews. Not so stellar. It seems that the professionals that test these things gave Titanium great marks for ease of use, but dismal ones on the actual ability to keep viruses out. Ooh.
Still, I figured that they were comparing paid subscription software to paid subscription software, so it wouldn't hurt to try it. Besides, I'd have Microsoft Essentials to back it up, right? Nope. The first thing that it does when you install it is tell you that Microsoft Essentials (and I presume any other security software) has to go. Erk. Ooookaaayyyy. I said I'd try it.
So, I install it. It IS easy! And it doesn't take up much room because, unlike older versions of the software (but like pretty much everyone else nowadays), it doesn't require that you download all the latest virus definitions. It's all on "the cloouuuudddd." I'm not really ok with keeping most important personal stuff on the cloud, but virus definitions are fine.
Once installed, I thought I'd check to see how dirty my computer is. Start scan....whoah! Results already? Oh yeah, the reviews did give it high marks for being quick. And it found...nothing. Computer's clean. Well, at least I know that Microsoft Essentials was doing its job.
Next, I thought I'd take advantage of the 10 gig of free backup space using the SafeSync program that comes with Titanium Maximum Security. Documents folder. Check. Photos. Check. Music folder. Check. and a half to wait. Ok. 10 gigs is a lot of memory, and I don't have a screaming fast connection. BUT! 10 gigs really isn't that much memory, and when I notice the message Titanium is giving me the next day, I realize I've managed to upload all of my documents folder, all of my photos folder, and only some of my music. Hrm. Well, it tells me that if I click on this message, I can get more space. So, I click on the message, which doesn't bring me to getting more space, but brings me to the upload status. Which is flashing between showing me how much of the listed files I've managed to upload and telling me that I've run out of room. Oh! There's a button on the bottom that looks like it might take me to where I might get more space. Yup! $50 for 20 more gigs? Holy shit! That's a lot of money for RENTING extra space. Forget that. I've got a Passport external hard drive. I'll just back the rest of it up like I always do (when I remember). Now, how do I get the message to keep popping up? Click. There. Wait, no. Click. Good. Gone. Nope.... Click! DAMMIT!!! How do I get it to go away? I finally outsmart it and shut the SafeSync program down. By right clicking on the program window at the bottom of my screen because I couldn't find an option in the open window. Grr.
Ok. So, I've just installed it and it's irritated the crap out of me. But since the SafeSync incident, it's been quietly running in the background. No slowdowns and no obvious blips. That's good. install the Mobile Security on my Android phone or not? I'll think about it. In the meanwhile, I'll see how it actually works and follow up in a few months.
In the meanwhile, feel free to try it at a discount. Use the code "BZZ30" at or use this coupon at Best Buy to get $30 off.
I think keeping virus definitions in the cloud is idiotic. The first thing I'd do if I were an evil basement-dwelling hacker is write a virus that intercepts the cloud definitions, and changes one of those definitions to a legitimate file (while of course sniffing for a definition of my virus and blocking it). Oh, msword.exe is a virus now? Must be! The CLOUD said so!